CV Chris Oostenbrink

Work and training experience

1995 - 2000: Chemistry studies at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    1996 Propaedeutic exam chemistry
    1998/1999 Diploma thesis in theoretical chemistry, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (supervised by Prof. dr. E.J. Baerends)
    Thesis title: Electron Scattering and Molecular Continuum Functions
    2000 Graduation as Master of Science in Chemistry

1995 - 2000: Medicinal chemistry studies at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    1996 Propaedeutic exam medicinal chemistry
    2000 Diploma thesis in computational medicinal chemistry and toxicology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland (supervised by Prof dr. N.P.E. Vermeulen (VUA) and Prof. dr. W.F. van Gunsteren (ETH))
    Thesis title: The estrogen receptor ligand binding domain
    2000 Graduation as Master of Science in Medicinal Chemistry

2000 - 2004: PhD in computational chemistry at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland

    Under the supervision of Prof. dr. W.F. van Gunsteren
    Thesis title: Free energies from biomolecular simulation: Force fields, methodology and applications

2004 - 2009: Assistant professor at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2009 - present: Vienna Science Chair Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, Östereich

    Groupleader at the institute of Molecular Modeling and Simulation, funded by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)

2011: Univ. Professor für Biomolekulare Modellierung und Simulation Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, Östereich

Grants and honors

2001 Unilever Research Price for the best Master programme in Chemistry 2005 Horizon breakthrough grant from the Netherland Genomics Initiative for genomics / bioinformatics 2005 Dimitris N. Chorafas Prize for the best PhD thesis in physical sciences at ETH Zürich 2006 Veni-grant within the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme of the Netherlands Foundation for Scientific Research (NWO) 2007 Galenus Research Prize, for the best young fundamental researcher in the pharmaceutical sciences in the Netherlands 2008 Horizon breakthrough grant from the Netherlands Genomics Initiative for genomics / bioinformatics 2009 Vienna Science Chair for Molecular Modeling and Simulation at BOKU University funded by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) 2011 Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC)